Wiley's Physical Chemistry for JEE Main and Advanced By Vipul Mehta 2024 Edition
- Publisher : Wiley
- Author: Wiley
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.994
Rs.915 Upto 8% off

Description :
Wiley's Physical Chemistry for JEE Main and Advanced By Vipul Mehta 2024 edition is a comprehensive text for understanding Physical Chemistry with focus on development of problem - solving skill. Wiley Physical Chemistry for JEE (Main & Advanced) is a comprehensive text for understanding Physical Chemistry with focus on development of problem-solving skills. This adaptation of the book aims to enhance the learning experience of the book, deriving advantage from the adapting author's experience with learning pattern of the students and obstacles in their learning curve. The premise is to encourage self-study in students and help them develop understanding of the concept and build an aptitude to apply the same learning to solve a problem.
Tags: JEE MAIN, JEE Adv, WileyJee